Saturday, August 31, 2019

Do you agree that Yeats creates a scene of tragic intensity in Purgatory?

Do you agree that Yeats creates a scene of tragic intensity in Purgatory, or is the play too short and the characters too thinly evinced for this to be the case? The play Purgatory was written in 1938 by Yeats as a single-scene play revolving around the idea of tragic intensity. Yeats was a philosophical writer, choosing meaningful subject matters to discuss in his work. In this case, he chose to symbolise the destruction of Ireland created by the controversy of religion after being inspired by other plays such as Shakespeare's Hamlet and using the definitions set out by Aristotle after he studied the elements that made up a great tragedy. In order to create a successful tragedy, Yeats used the Aristotelian unities: time, action and place. The timing of the play ensures a strong plausibility as the action is all dealt with in real-time, therefore reducing the imagination needed on behalf of the audience increasing the plausibility. The setting throughout the play is in a confined place upon the stage with very few changes made, allowing little release of tension. This intimate setting forces closeness between the characters and audience: though it finishes with the Old Man abandoning the scene leaving it desolate. The complexity of Shakespeare's Hamlet, there are more precise actions and plot in Purgatory, making it easier to understand, and allowing the seemingly simple plot to have all attention on it, resulting in a claustrophobic and tense atmosphere. In Purgatory there are only two characters for the audience to focus on, which provides enough space and time in his play to create characters that are evinced clearly enough to serve their purpose as model examples of an old and a young boy, which provides the plot with a deeper impact. Due to the relationship between the father and son, there is intensity between the characters as they should share a close bond and yet they both ignore and insult each other with snide remarks such as â€Å"silly old man. † Yet, the characters do share an attempted intimacy as the Old Man retells his painful and distressing story in the form of a monologue that is interrupted by the Boy. The Boy is ignored and this increases the drama and emphasizes the communication difficulties between the characters. Although Yeats characterises the Old Man and Boy to an extent, the lack of details reinforces the cold and detached elements of the play, and without names they are left unidentified to the audience and therefore could appear as symbolisations of anyone. Fear of the supernatural emerges from the fear of the unknown, and Yeats uses this idea to extend his tragic scene by presenting the ghosts as a misunderstood and mysterious element due to the Old Man not knowing how to prevent the ghosts from returning. He also doesn't know how to deal with them, which can be seen in the way he attempts communicate with his mother by shouting â€Å"Don't let him touch you! † despite knowing that she cannot hear him and he cannot interfere. Death is a foreboding unknown in everyone's life that most are afraid of, and in Purgatory Yeats uses this to foreshadow the Boy's death as the he mentions â€Å"Now I am young and you are old. † This creates confusion and tension as it is unclear who will die. Although the ghosts' role in the play is limited, their presence is a constant reminder of past events, present actions and the future to come that all relates to death. This tension and the compactness of the play help to increase the intensity as well as invoke fear in the audience, which contributes to the final catharsis Yeats uses cyclical chronology within the play to illustrate the idea of time being a continual concept that cannot be stopped. It highlights the eternal nature of purgatory and expands the idea of the inevitability of the drama. Yeats' use of the hoof beats signals the reoccurring cycle, allowing the events to begin and for the audience, who cannot hear the noise, to question the sanity of the Old Man. The simple lighting in the window, the props, stage effects and setting all help form the audience's perception of a void place, therefore a tragic location filled with intensity, as anything more flamboyant would detract from the tragedy and therefore reduce its strength by distracting the attention onto details that do not contribute. Purgatory effectively demonstrates tragic intensity due to the brevity of the drama. This ensures that the audience's focus is concentrated to such an extent on the plot that the drama becomes claustrophobic. There is no scenic juxtaposition, underlying subplot or change in scenery, which exaggerates this overpowering atmosphere and prevents a release from the tragedy – instead, a build-up of tension is created. Visually, the play is very precise and concentrated, and the anxiety of the dialogue is maintained until the final moments of the play, due to Yeats using his characters to produce emotions of fear and terror in the audience. The amount of emotional fluctuations in the short play only heightens the intensity by creating an overwhelming scene which leaves the audience emotionally exhausted before culminating in catharsis. Props and setting are essential to the play as the relevance of the knife and money goes straight to the core of the plot. Because there are no distractions on the stage, tension is created due to the attention and detail and each prop's significance is more obvious and important. The â€Å"jack-knife† relates to a jackdaw – a species of birds that commit mercy killings amongst their flock, echoing the way the Old Man ends up stabbing his son, as it can be interpreted into the act of salvation of his mother. The setting too contains poignant features that are considerably tragic themselves. The tree is a constant reminder of the destruction of the Old Man's family members as Yeats' use of symbolism makes it a representation of his family tree. The house shows the ruins of the family's livelihood and the fall of nobility, increasing the visual intensity seen upon the stage. It is also seen to represent a wider scale issue, the destruction of Ireland, and this symbolism shows the vast ruin of a country concentrated to a mere house. This is intensified as the tragedy is not reduced but shown on a small scale. Harold Bloom1 criticized Purgatory by attacking Yeats, believing there is â€Å"confusion†¦ n the play. † Bloom found the ending of the play a mass of confusion rather than causing the surge of emotions that are evoked at the end of a tragedy. This brings up the debate as to whether Yeats created an intense piece of drama or just a bewildering fifteen minute sketch. However, even if Purgatory is confusing due to the brevity, the mysterious plot can add to the overall tragedy, leaving the audience unsure of what they have witnessed, and fearful due to the rash actions of the Old Man and the presence of the paranormal. In conclusion, Yeats creates a scene with brimming with tragic intensity by using the minimal props, time, characters and plot. The brevity of Purgatory ensures a ‘scene of tragic intensity' due to the resulting starkness, claustrophobia and desolate tone. The horrifying drama concludes with an dark, empty set, which is how it had started, therefore presenting the cyclicality of purgatory on the stage for the audience to see. Yeats successfully moulded every aspect of tragedy at his disposal and created an intensely dramatic production.

Reading skill Essay

Highlighting or Underlining Key Ideas When you highlight or underline key words and ideas, you are identifying the most important parts of the text. There’s an important skill at work here: You can’t highlight or underline everything, so you have to distinguish between the facts and ideas that are most important (major ideas) and those facts and ideas that are helpful but not so important (minor or supporting ideas). Highlight only the major ideas, so you don’t end up with a text that’s completely highlighted. An effectively highlighted text will make for an easy and fruitful review. When you jump back, you’ll be quickly reminded of the ideas that are most important to remember. Highlighting or underlining major points as you read also allows you to retain more information from the text. Skim ahead and jump back. Mark up the text. Make speci? c observations about the text. Skimming Ahead and Jumping Back Skimming ahead enables you to see what’s coming up in your reading. Page through the text you’re about to read. Notice how the text is broken down, what the main topics are, and the order in which they are covered. Notice key words and ideas that are boldfaced, bulleted, boxed, or otherwise highlighted. Skimming through the text beforehand will prepare you for what you are about to read. It’s a lot like checking out the hills and curves in the course before a cross-country race. If you know what’s ahead, you know how to pace yourself, so you’re prepared to handle what’s to come. When you ? nish your reading, jump back. Review the summaries, headings, and highlighted information in the text. Notice both what the author highlighted and what you highlighted. By jumping back, you help solidify in your mind the ideas and information you just read. You’re reminded of how each idea ? ts into the whole, how ideas and information are connected. When you make connections between ideas, you’re much more likely to remember them. Circling Unfamiliar Words One of the most important habits to develop is that of circling and looking up unfamiliar words and phrases. If possible, don’t sit down to read without a dictionary by your side. It is not uncommon for the meaning of an entire sentence to hinge on the meaning of a single word or phrase, and if you don’t know what that word or phrase means, you won’t understand the sentence. Besides, this habit enables you to quickly and steadily expand your vocabulary, so you’ll be a more con? dent reader and speaker. If you don’t have a dictionary readily available, try to determine the meaning of the word as best you can from its context—that is, the words and ideas around it. (There’s more on this topic in Lesson 3. ) Then, make sure you look up the word as soon as possible so you’re sure of its meaning. Marking Up the Text Marking up the text creates a direct physical link between you and the words you’re reading. It forces you to pay closer attention to the words you read and takes you to a higher level of comprehension. Use these three strategies to mark up text: x – HOW TO USE THIS BOOK – Making Marginal Notes Recording your questions and reactions in the margins turns you from a passive receiver of information into an active participant in a dialogue. (If you’re reading a library book, write your reactions in a notebook. ) You will get much more out of the ideas and information you read about if you create a â€Å"conversation† with the writer. Here are some examples of the kinds of reactions you might write down in the margin or in your notebook:  ¦  ¦  ¦  ¦ Making Observations Good readers know that writers use many different strategies to express their ideas. Even if you know very little about those strategies, you can make useful observations about what you read to better understand and remember the author’s ideas. You can notice, for example, the author’s choice of words; the structure of the sentences and paragraphs; any repetition of words or ideas; important details about people, places, and things; and so on. This step—making observations—is essential because your observations (what you notice) lead you to logical inferences about what you read. Inferences are conclusions based on reason, fact, or evidence. You are constantly making inferences based on your observations, even when you’re not reading. For example, if you notice that the sky is full of dark, heavy clouds, you might infer that it is going to rain; if you notice that your coworker has a stack of gardening books on her desk, you might infer that she likes gardening. If you misunderstand what you read, it is often because you haven’t looked closely enough at the text. As a result, you base your inferences on your own ideas and experiences, not on what’s actually written in the text. You end up forcing your own ideas on the author (rather than listening to what the author has to say) and then forming your own ideas about it. It’s critical, then, that you begin to really pay attention to what writers say and how they say it. If any of this sounds confusing now, don’t worry. Each of these ideas will be thoroughly explained in the lessons that follow. In the meantime, start practicing active reading as best you can. Begin by taking the pretest. Questions often come up when you read. They may be answered later in the text, but by that time, you may have forgotten the question! And if your question isn’t answered, you may want to discuss it with someone: â€Å"Why does the writer describe the new welfare policy as ‘unfair’? † or â€Å"Why does the character react in this way? † Agreements and disagreements with the author are bound to arise if you’re actively reading. Write them down: â€Å"That’s not necessarily true! † or â€Å"This policy makes a lot of sense to me. † Connections you note can be either between the text and something that you read earlier or between the text and your own experience. For example, â€Å"I remember feeling the same way when I . . . † or â€Å"This is similar to what happened in China. † Evaluations are your way of keeping the author honest. If you think the author isn’t providing suf? cient support for what he or she is saying or that there’s something wrong with that support, say so: â€Å"He says the dropping of the bomb was inevitable, but he doesn’t explain why† or â€Å"This is a very sel? sh reason. † xi READING COMPREHENSION SUCCESS IN 20 MINUTES A DAY Pretest B efore you start your study of reading skills, you may want to get an idea of how much you already know and how much you need to learn. If that’s the case, take the pretest that follows. The pretest consists of 50 multiple-choice questions covering all the lessons in this book. Naturally, 50 questions can’t cover every single concept or strategy you will learn by working through this book. So even if you get all the questions on the pretest right, it’s almost guaranteed that you will ? nd a few ideas or reading tactics in this book that you didn’t already know. On the other hand, if you get many questions wrong on this pretest, don’t despair. This book will show you how to read more effectively, step by step. You should use this pretest to get a general idea of how much you already know. If you get a high score, you may be able to spend less time with this book than you originally planned. If you get a low score, you may ? nd that you will need more than 20 minutes a day to get through each chapter and improve your reading skills. There’s an answer sheet you can use for ? lling in the correct answers on page 3. Or, if you prefer, simply circle the answer numbers in this book. If the book doesn’t belong to you, write the numbers 1–50 on a piece of paper and record your answers there. Take as much time as you need to do this short test. When you ? nish, check your answers against the answer key at the end of this lesson. Each answer offers the lesson(s) in this book that teaches you about the reading strategy in that question. 1 – LEARNINGEXPRESS ANSWER SHEET – 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 3 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d – PRETEST – Pretest The pretest consists of a series of reading passages with questions that follow to test your comprehension. Cultural Center Adds Classes for Young Adults The Allendale Cultural Center has expanded its arts program to include classes for young adults. Director Leah Martin announced Monday that beginning in September, three new classes will be offered to the Allendale community. The course titles will be Yoga for Teenagers; Hip Hop Dance: Learning the Latest Moves; and Creative Journaling for Teens: Discovering the Writer Within. The latter course will not be held at the Allendale Cultural Center but instead will meet at the Allendale Public Library. Staff member Tricia Cousins will teach the yoga and hip hop classes. Ms. Cousins is an accomplished choreographer as well as an experienced dance educator. She has an MA in dance education from Teachers College, Columbia University, where she wrote a thesis on the pedagogical effectiveness of dance education. The journaling class will be taught by Betsy Milford. Ms. Milford is the head librarian at the Allendale Public Library as well as a columnist for the professional journal Library Focus. The courses are part of the Allendale Cultural Center’s Project Teen, which was initiated by Leah Martin, Director of the Cultural Center. According to Martin, this project is a direct result of her efforts to make the center a more integral part of the Allendale community. Over the last several years, the number of people who have visited the cultural center for classes or events has steadily declined. Project Teen is primarily funded by a muni? cent grant from The McGee Arts Foundation, an organization devoted to bringing arts programs to young adults. Martin oversees the Project Teen board, which consists of ? ve board members. Two board members are students at Allendale’s Brookdale High School; the other three are adults with backgrounds in education and the arts. The creative journaling class will be cosponsored by Brookdale High School, and students who complete the class will be given the opportunity to publish one of their journal entries in Pulse, Brookdale’s student literary magazine. Students who complete the hip hop class will be eligible to participate in the Allendale Review, an annual concert sponsored by the cultural center that features local actors, musicians, and dancers. All classes are scheduled to begin immediately following school dismissal, and transportation will be available from Brookdale High School to the Allendale Cultural Center and the Allendale Public Library. For more information about Project Teen, contact the cultural center’s programming of? ce at 988-0099 or drop by the of? ce after June 1 to pick up a fall course catalog. The of? ce is located on the third ? oor of the Allendale Town Hall. 2. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Tricia Cousins will teach two of the new classes. b. The new classes will begin on June 1. c. People who want a complete fall catalogue should stop by the Allendale Public Library. d. The cultural center’s annual concert is called Pulse. 1. The Creative Journaling for Teens class will be cosponsored by a. The Allendale Public Library. b. The McGee Arts Foundation. c. Brookdale High School. d. Betsy Milford. 5 – PRETEST – 6. The title of the course â€Å"Creative Journaling for Teens: Discovering the Writer Within† implies that a. all young people should write in a journal daily. b. teenagers do not have enough hobbies. c. writing in a journal can help teenagers become better and more creative writers. d. teenagers are in need of guidance and direction. 3. According to Leah Martin, what was the direct cause of Project Teen? a. Tricia Cousins, the talented choreographer and dance educator, was available to teach courses in the fall. b. Community organizations were ignoring local teenagers. c. The McGee Arts Foundation wanted to be more involved in Allendale’s arts programming. d. She wanted to make the cultural center a more important part of the Allendale community. 7. Which of the following correctly states the primary subject of this article? a. Leah Martin’s personal ideas about young adults b. The McGee Foundation’s grant to the Allendale Cultural Center c. three new classes for young adults added to the cultural center’s arts program d. the needs of young adults in Allendale 4. Which of the following factors is implied as another reason for Project Teen? a. The number of people who have visited the cultural center has declined over the last several years. b. The cultural center wanted a grant from The McGee Arts Foundation. c. The young people of Allendale have complained about the cultural center’s offerings. d. Leah Martin thinks classes for teenagers are more important than classes for adults. 8. This article is organized in which of the following ways? a. in chronological order, from the past to the future b. most important information ? rst, followed by background and details. c. background ? rst, followed by the most important information and details. d. as sensational news, with the most controversial topic ? rst 5. From the context of the passage, it can be determined that the word â€Å"muni? cent† most nearly means a. complicated. b. generous. c. curious. d. unusual. 6 – PRETEST – (excerpt from the opening of an untitled essay) John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939, was followed ten years later by A. B. Guthrie’s The Way West. Both books chronicle a migration, though that of Guthrie’s pioneers is considerably less bleak in origin. What strikes one at ? rst glance, however, are the commonalities. Both Steinbeck’s and Guthrie’s characters are primarily farmers. They look to their destinations with nearly religious enthusiasm, imagining their â€Å"promised† land the way the Biblical Israelites envisioned Canaan. Both undergo great hardship to make the trek. But the two sagas differ distinctly in origin. Steinbeck’s Oklahomans are forced off their land by the banks who own their mortgages, and they follow a false promise—that jobs await them as seasonal laborers in California. Guthrie’s farmers willingly remove themselves, selling their land and trading their old dreams for their new hope in Oregon. The pioneers’ decision to leave their farms in Missouri and the East is frivolous and ill-founded in comparison with the Oklahomans’ unwilling response to displacement. Yet, it is they, the pioneers, whom our history books declare the heroes. 11. Which of the following excerpts from the essay is an opinion, rather than a fact? a. â€Å"Both Steinbeck’s and Guthrie’s characters are primarily farmers. † b. â€Å"Steinbeck’s Oklahomans are forced off their land by the banks who own their mortgages†¦Ã¢â‚¬  c. â€Å"John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939, was followed ten years later by A. B. Guthrie’s The Way West. † d. â€Å"The pioneers’ decision to leave their farms in Missouri and the East is frivolous and ill-founded in comparison with the Oklahomans’†¦Ã¢â‚¬  9. From the context of the passage, it can be determined that the word â€Å"frivolous† most nearly means a. silly. b. high-minded. c. dif? cult. d. calculated. 10. Suppose that the author is considering following this sentence with supportive detail: â€Å"Both undergo great hardship to make the trek. † Which of the following sentences would be in keeping with the comparison and contrast structure of the paragraph? a. The migrants in The Way West cross the Missouri, then the Kaw, and make their way overland to the Platte. b. The Oklahomans’ jalopies break down repeatedly, while the pioneers’ wagons need frequent repairs. c. Today’s travelers would consider it a hardship to spend several days, let alone several months, getting anywhere. d. The Joad family, in The Grapes of Wrath, loses both grandmother and grandfather before the journey is complete. 12. The language in the paragraph implies that which of the following will happen to the Oklahomans when they arrive in California? a. They will ? nd a means to practice their religion freely. b. They will be declared national heroes. c. They will not ? nd the jobs they were promised. d. They will make their livings as mechanics rather than as farm laborers. 7 – PRETEST – Bill Clinton’s Inaugural Address (excerpt from the opening) When George Washington ? rst took the oath I have just sworn to uphold, news traveled slowly across the land by horseback and across the ocean by boat. Now the sights and sounds of this ceremony are broadcast instantaneously to billions around the world. Communications and commerce are global. Investment is mobile. Technology is almost magical, and ambition for a better life is now universal. We earn our livelihood in America today in peaceful competition with people all across the Earth. Profound and powerful forces are shaking and remaking our world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy. This new world has already enriched the lives of millions of Americans who are able to compete and win in it. But when most people are working harder for less; when others cannot work at all; when the cost of healthcare devastates families and threatens to bankrupt our enterprises, great and small; when the fear of crime robs law-abiding citizens of their freedom; and when millions of poor children cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead, we have not made change our friend. 15. When President Clinton says that â€Å"most people are working harder for less,† he is a. reaching a reasonable conclusion based on evidence he has provided. b. reaching an unreasonable conclusion based on evidence he has provided. c. making a generalization that would require evidence before it could be con? rmed. d. making a generalization that is so obvious that evidence is not needed. 13. What is the central topic of the speech so far? a. how Americans can keep up with global competition b. ways in which technology has undermined our economy c. ways in which technology has improved our lives d. how change has affected America and our need to adapt 14. By comparing our times with those of George Washington, Bill Clinton demonstrates a. how apparently different, but actually similar, the two eras are. b. how technology has drastically speeded up communications. c. that presidential inaugurations receive huge media attention. d. that television is a much more convincing communications tool than print. 16. Assuming that Clinton wants to add something about crime being a more serious threat in our time than in George Washington’s, which of the following sentences would be most consistent with the tone of the presidential speech? a. If I’d been alive in George’s day, I would have enjoyed knowing that my wife and child could walk city streets without being mugged. b. In George Washington’s time, Americans may not have enjoyed as many luxuries, but they could rest in the awareness that their neighborhoods were safe. c. George could at least count on one thing. He knew that his family was safe from crime. d. A statistical analysis of the overall growth in crime rates since 1789 would reveal that a signi? cant increase has occurred. 8 – PRETEST – The Crossing Chapter I: The Blue Wall (excerpt from the opening of a novel by Winston Churchill) I was born under the Blue Ridge, and under that side which is blue in the evening light, in a wild land of game and forest and rushing waters. There, on the borders of a creek that runs into the Yadkin River, in a cabin that was chinked with red mud, I came into the world a subject of King George the Third, in that part of his realm known as the province of North Carolina. The cabin reeked of corn-pone and bacon, and the odor of pelts. It had two shakedowns, on one of which I slept under a bearskin. A rough stone chimney was reared outside, and the ? replace was as long as my father was tall. There was a crane in it, and a bake kettle; and over it great buckhorns held my father’s ri? e when it was not in use. On other horns hung jerked bear’s meat and venison hams, and gourds for drinking cups, and bags of seed, and my father’s best hunting shirt; also, in a neglected corner, several articles of woman’s attire from pegs. These once belonged to my mother. Among them was a gown of silk, of a ? ne, faded pattern, over which I was wont to speculate. The women at the Cross-Roads, twelve miles away, were dressed in coarse butternut wool and huge sunbonnets. But when I questioned my father on these matters he would give me no answers. My father was—how shall I say what he was? To this day I can only surmise many things of him. He was a Scotchman born, and I know now that he had a slight Scotch accent. At the time of which I write, my early childhood, he was a frontiersman and hunter. I can see him now, with his hunting shirt and leggins and moccasins; his powder horn, engraved with wondrous scenes; his bullet pouch and tomahawk and hunting knife. He was a tall, lean man with a strange, sad face. And he talked little save when he drank too many â€Å"horns,† as they were called in that country. These lapses of my father’s were a perpetual source of wonder to me—and, I must say, of delight. They occurred only when a passing traveler who hit his fancy chanced that way, or, what was almost as rare, a neighbor. Many a winter night I have lain awake under the skins, listening to a ? ow of language that held me spellbound, though I understood scarce a word of it. â€Å"Virtuous and vicious every man must be, Few in the extreme, but all in a degree. † The chance neighbor or traveler was no less struck with wonder. And many the time have I heard the query, at the Cross-Roads and elsewhere, â€Å"Whar Alec Trimble got his larnin’? † 18. Judging by the sentences surrounding it, the word â€Å"surmise† in the third paragraph most nearly means a. to form a negative opinion. b. to praise. c. to desire. d. to guess. 17. Why did the narrator enjoy it when his father drank too many â€Å"horns,† or drafts of liquor? a. The father spoke brilliantly at those times. b. The boy was then allowed to do as he pleased. c. These were the only times when the father was not abusive. d. The boy was allowed to sample the drink himself. 9 – PRETEST – 22. Which of the following adjectives best describes the region in which the cabin is located? a. remote b. urban c. agricultural d. ?at 19. The mention of the dress in the second paragraph is most likely meant to a. show the similarity between its owner and other members of the community. b. show how warm the climate was. c. show the dissimilarity between its owner and other members of the community. d. give us insight into the way most of the women of the region dressed. 23. The author most likely uses dialect when quoting the question, â€Å"Whar Alec Trimble got his larnin’? † in order to a. show disapproval of the father’s drinking. b. show how people talked down to the narrator. c. show the speakers’ lack of education. d. mimic the way the father talked. 20. It can be inferred from the passage that Alec Trimble is a. a traveler. b. a neighbor. c. the narrator’s father. d. a poet. 21. What is the meaning of the lines of verse quoted in the passage? a. Men who pretend to be virtuous are actually vicious. b. Moderate amounts of virtuousness and viciousness are present in all men. c. Virtuous men cannot also be vicious. d. Whether men are virtuous or vicious depends  on the dif? culty of their circumstances. 10 – PRETEST – (excerpt from a letter to a pet-sitter) Dear Lee, As I told you, I’ll be gone until Wednesday morning. Thank you so much for taking on my â€Å"children† while I’m away. Like real children, they can be kind of irritating sometimes, but I’m going to enjoy myself so much more knowing they’re getting some kind human attention. Remember that Regina (the â€Å"queen† in Latin, and she acts like one) is teething. If you don’t watch her, she’ll chew anything, including her sister, the cat. There are plenty of chew toys around the house. Whenever she starts gnawing on anything illegal, just divert her with one of those. She generally settles right down to a good hour-long chew. Then you’ll see her wandering around whimpering with the remains of the toy in her mouth. She gets really frustrated because what she wants is to bury the thing. She’ll try to dig a hole between the cushions of the couch. Finding that unsatisfactory, she’ll wander some more, discontent, until you solve her problem for her. I usually show her the laundry basket, moving a few clothes so she can bury her toy beneath them. I do sound like a parent, don’t I? You have to understand, my own son is practically grown up. Regina’s food is the Puppy Chow in the utility room, where the other pet food is stored. Give her a bowl once in the morning and once in the evening. No more than that, no matter how much she begs. Beagles are notorious overeaters, according to her breeder, and I don’t want her to lose her girlish ? gure. She can share Rex (the King’s) water, but be sure it’s changed daily. She needs to go out several times a day, especially last thing at night and ? rst thing in the morning. Let her stay out for about ten minutes each time, so she can do all her business. She also needs a walk in the afternoon, after which it’s important to romp with her for awhile in the yard. The game she loves most is fetch, but be sure to make her drop the ball. She’d rather play tug of war with it. Tell her, â€Å"Sit! † Then, when she does, say, â€Å"Drop it! † Be sure to tell her â€Å"good girl,† and then throw the ball for her. I hope you’ll enjoy these sessions as much as I do. Now, for the other two, Rex and Paws†¦ (letter continues) 26. According to the author, his or her attachment to the pets derives at least partially from a. their regal pedigrees and royal bearing. b.having few friends to pass the time with. c. these particular animals’ exceptional needs. d. a desire to continue parenting. 24. The tone of this letter is best described as a. chatty and humorous. b. logical and precise. c. con? dent and trusting. d. condescending and preachy. 25. If the pet-sitter is a business-like professional who watches people’s pets for a living, she or he would likely prefer a. more ? rst-person revelations about the owner. b. fewer ? rst-person revelations about the owner. c. more praise for agreeing to watch the animals. d. greater detail on the animals’ cute behavior. 27. The information in the note is suf? cient to determine that there are three animals. They are a. two cats and a dog. b. three dogs. c. a dog, a cat, and an unspeci? ed animal. d. a cat, a dog, and a parrot. 11 – PRETEST – 29. From the context of the note, it is most likely that the name â€Å"Rex†is a. Spanish. b. English. c. French. d. Latin. 28. Given that there are three animals to feed, which of the following arrangements of the feeding instructions would be most ef? cient and easiest to follow? a. all given in one list, chronologically from morning to night b. provided separately as they are for Regina,  within separate passages on each animal c. given in the order of quantities needed, the most to the least d. placed in the middle of the letter, where they would be least likely to be overlooked. 30. If the sitter is to follow the owner’s directions in playing fetch with Regina, at what point will he or she will tell Regina â€Å"good girl†? a. every time Regina goes after the ball b. after Regina ? nds the ball c. when Regina brings the ball back d. after Regina drops the ball (excerpt from a pro-voting essay) Voting is the privilege for which wars have been fought, protests have been organized, and editorials have been written. â€Å"No taxation without representation† was a battle cry of the American Revolution. Women struggled for suffrage as did all minorities. Eighteen-year-olds clamored for the right to vote, saying that if they were old enough to go to war, they should be allowed to vote. Yet Americans have a deplorable voting history. Interviewing people about their voting habits is revealing. There are individuals who state that they have never voted. Often, they claim that their individual vote doesn’t matter. Some people blame their absence from the voting booth on the fact that they do not know enough about the issues. In a democracy, we can express our opinions to our elected leaders, but more than half of us sometimes avoid choosing the people who make the policies that affect our lives. 33. By choosing the word â€Å"clamored,† the author implies that a. eighteen-year-olds are generally enthusiastic. b. voting was not a serious concern to eighteenyear-olds. c. eighteen-year-olds felt strongly that they should be allowed to vote. d. eighteen-year-olds do not handle themselves in an adult-like manner. 31. This argument relies primarily on which of the following techniques to make its points? a. emotional assertions b. researched facts in support of an assertion  c. emotional appeals to voters d. emotional appeals to nonvoters 32. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the main idea of the passage? a. Americans are too lazy to vote. b. Women and minorities fought for their right to vote. c. Americans do not take voting seriously enough. d. Americans do not think that elected of? cials take their opinions seriously. 12 – PRETEST – Improving Streamside Wildlife Habitats (excerpt from Habitat Extension Bulletin distributed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department) Riparian vegetation [the green band of vegetation along a watercourse] can help stabilize stream banks; ? lter sediment from surface runoff; and provide wildlife habitat, livestock forage, and scenic value. Well-developed vegetation also allows bank soils to absorb extra water during spring runoff, releasing it later during drier months, thus improving late-summer stream ? ows. In many parts of the arid West, trees and shrubs are found only in riparian areas. Woody plants are very important as winter cover for many wildlife species, including upland game birds such as pheasants and turkeys. Often this winter cover is the greatest single factor limiting game bird populations. Woody vegetation also provides hiding cover and browse for many other species of birds and mammals, both game and nongame. Dead trees (â€Å"snags†) are an integral part of streamside habitats and should be left standing whenever possible. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, brown creepers, and other birds eat the insects that decompose the wood. These insects usually pose no threat to nearby living trees. Occasionally a disease organism or misuse of pesticides will weaken or kill a stand of trees. If several trees in a small area begin to die, contact your local extension agent immediately. 36. Assume that the author has done some other  writing on this topic for a different audience. The other piece begins: â€Å"Remember the last time you walked along a stream? No doubt thick vegetation prevented easy progress. † What is the likely effect on the reader of this opening? a. an aroused interest, due to the reference to the reader’s personal experience b. resentment, due to being addressed so personally c. loss of interest, because the opening line makes no attempt to draw the reader in d. confusion, because not every reader has walked along a stream 34. What is the effect of the word choice â€Å"riparian†?

Friday, August 30, 2019

Compare the Opening and Closing Scenes in Of Mice and Men Essay

Of mice and men is a great novel written by protest writer John Steinbeck. It is a sad story about the life of two migrant ranch workers George and Lennie, and the conflicts between the reality and their relationship and dream. The opening and closing scenes are both set in the same place – Salinas River, however readers can sense totally different feelings from these two scenes. In this essay I am going to compare the opening and closing scenes of this novel focus on the following points: 1) the description of nature to evoke feelings, 2) The dialogue, and the way George and Lennie speak to each other, to explore how George change towards Lennie, 3) The dream George and Lennie share, to explore how Steinbeck protests against the reality. The opening scene in of Mice and Men is happy and peaceful compared to the closing scenes. Before the entry of the two main characters, Steinbeck gets the audience involved by describing the idyllic setting: the beautiful, colorful, peaceful and poetic evening in Salinas River. He creates the pleasant atmosphere brilliantly by sensational words like ‘deep and green’ water, ‘yellow sand’, ‘golden foothill slopes’, ‘fresh and green’ willows, ‘mottled’ sycamores. Just like a strong warm visual effect colorful oil-painting, the Willow Pool in Salinas River vividly present to us. It is also a calm peaceful riverside, little creatures like lizard, rabbit, coon, dears, heron are freely and actively wondering on the riverside. The feeling of relaxation in a warm afternoon is evoked and emphasized in depicting. â€Å"The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands†; â€Å"†¦the leaves lie d eep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them†¦.† This untainted beauty of the nature and the relaxed serenity atmosphere that Steinbeck wisely opens with tending toward the Romantic. It suggests a purity and perfection sense–>sense of purity to the reader that associates with the innocence of Lennie; indicates the idealized friendship and the romanticized dream between George and Lennie. On the other hand it helps to emphasize the changing atmosphere when two protagonists enter into the scene. By comparison to the same scene in the closing ending–scene it hints about the future trouble and the calm before the storm. The setting is also a symbol of a place free from society, a safe sanctuary for Lennie and George, where they can be themselves. That’s why George chooses to let Lennie come back here when he meets trouble, and even Lennie is finally killed by George in mercy here, the Salinas River does keep Lennie safe from the torture of being killed curly. The description of the landscape also helps us to develop an understanding of the background of the great depression. â€Å"There is a path through the willows and among the †¦ sycamores, a path beaten hard by boys†¦., and beaten hard by tramps †¦.† â€Å"†¦the limb is worm smooth by men who have sat on it.† Boys working in the ranch swim here and tramps traveling pass here trying to get job, use it as a rest area. It shows the background of great depression, people struggle with financial freedom, they had to drift into the country for jobs in the farming industry. The ending of the novel occurs at the exactly same place where the story started. The landscape is still the same; however they suggest a totally different feeling. â€Å"Already the sun had left the valley†; â€Å"by the pool among the mottled sycamores, a pleasant shade had fallen†. The sunset is normally symbolic the end of life, it is a subtle foreboding–indication of the impending death of Lennie. The changing landscape in the coming evening is also described in the other three plots. All these plots are following by the description of the chasing people coming nearer. Steinbeck uses the description of setting as an important tool to convey that Lennie’s death is impending. Readers can also notice that the peaceful and untainted atmosphere is replaced by violent – a heron ate a snake and waiting for another. The scene is not anymore slow and relaxed; instead â€Å"A far rush of wind sounded and a gust drove through the tops of the trees like a wave.† Dry leaves â€Å"scudded a few feet†; Things become swift and dramatic; they are signifying the turmoil George and Lennie have and are going to suffer. Apart from using the setting to underline the themes, Steinbeck is also accomplished–excelled in using creatures and their imagery to illustrate the themes and suggest the foreboding on what George and Lennie will suffer. In the opening chapter, as the human footsteps approached, the rabbits â€Å"hurried noiselessly for cover†; the heron â€Å"labored up† and â€Å"pound down river†. â€Å"For a moment the place was lifeless†. Creatures like lizards, rabbits, herons, coons, deers are in possession of the peaceful land, however when human being invaded, we can suddenly sense the tension in this scene — the dangers can lurk–appear at every turn, weak creatures can become prey anytime. They are good indications of a predatory world that George and Lennie are in. In the closing chapter, Steinbeck reflects some animals in the first section. He vividly describes the cold, deliberate way a large heron killed a water snake. The unsuspected snake â€Å"glided smoothly up the pool†, it is totally unaware that â€Å"in the shallows† there is a heron stood â€Å"motionless† waiting for it. â€Å"A silent head and beak lanced down and plucked it out by the head, and the beak swallowed the little snake while its tail waved frantically†. Death of the helpless water snake comes so quickly, surely, and to the unaware. Normally, snake is a symbol of evil, however here it is utter–>completely helpless, and it is eaten by a heron, which is commonly regarded as a sign of goodness. This dramatic scene implies the helpless and unsuspecting Lennie who will be killed by his best friend -George, who is as cool as the heron (the situation forced George to shoot Lennie quickly). George killed Lennie with mercy, because he knows at least Lennie will die with happiness and without fear like the unaware snake. In the opening chapter of Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck solidly established the character profile for George and Lennie, as well as their relationship. Apart from the description of their physical characteristics, Steinbeck achieves this heavy reliance on the great proportion of direct speech dialogue between George and Lennie. The language that George and Lennie used in their conversation is fairly simple and contains commonly used American slang like â€Å"brang†, â€Å"would of†, â€Å"gonna†, â€Å"kinda† â€Å"for a sack†, etc. This help to reflect the setting and their down-to-earth uneducated ranch worker’s lifestyle and make an authentic–>real sense. The relationship between George and Lennie is clearly established right from the beginning of the book when George sternly warns Lennie to stop drinking water from the pool. â€Å"Lennie, for God’s sake don’t drink so much'†; â€Å"You gonna be sick like you w last night.† â€Å"‘you never oughta drink water when it ain’t running†. George said these â€Å"sharply† and â€Å"hopelessly†. Readers can soon perceive–>feel that George is clearly a leader and guardian who guides and protects Lennie. He looks out for Lennie’s safety and instructs him on what to do. He talks to Lennie in a patronizing but a caring way. Whereas, Lennie is a big, half-wit, child-minded person, who is also sweet and loving. â€Å"That’s good,† he said. â€Å"You drink some, George. You take a good big drink† â€Å"Look, George. Look what I done† Just like an innocent child, Lennie enjoys the pure pleasure by drinking and playing the water, and his first thought is to share the pleasure with George. With the plot progression, we got clearer that George is a small but clever, level-headed man. He loves Lennie, takes care of Lennie, guides Lennie, and protects Lennie like a father. He looks after all Lennie’s affairs, even carrying Lennie’s work card for him. He also always bails–bail Lennie out of the trouble, or even potential trouble, as he knows Lennie can get himself into trouble very easily. George instructs Lennie â€Å"Get into the brush till I come for you† if Lennie gets into any trouble. Meanwhile, although George is Lennie’s mentor–guardian, he also looks up to Lennie’s feeling, respects his behavior with understanding even though sometimes it seems odd. When George found a dead mouse, he takes the dead mouse away from Lennie. This hurts Lennie’ feeling and he starts to whimper. George â€Å"put his hand on Lennie’s shoulder† to comfort him. He did this for Lennie’s good. â€Å"I ain’t takin’ it away jus’ for meanness†. That mouse ain’t fresh†¦.you get another mouse that’s fresh and I’ll let you keep it a while†. He promises Lennie to give a pup for Lennie to pet. â€Å"First chance I get I’ll give you a pup,†¦That’d be better than mice. And you could pet it harder.† He even plans a future with Lennie, â€Å"..we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres †¦.† George is also a short-tempered person, he often gets irritated, weary, frustrated with the difficulties of his responsibility for taking care of Lennie, such as Lennie’s forgetfulness. When Lennie forgot where they are heading to, George swears and scolds in anger: â€Å"So you forgot that awready, did you? I gotta tell you again, do I? Jesus Christ, you’re a crazy bastard!† â€Å"The hell with the rabbits. That’s all you ever can remember is them rabbits. Of Mice and Men.K. Now you listen†¦.† The way George treat Lennie is just like the way an overtaxed–frustrated parent treats a little boy. Lennie asks for ketchup childishly during the dinner. This innocent request sparkle–sparkles George’s frustration again. He â€Å"exploded† his voiced â€Å"furiously†, and â€Å"rose nearly to a shout†. He launches a long complaining speech about the difficulties that Lennie brought to him; states that without caring for Lennie he can live a far easier life. In anger George declares† If I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an’ work, an’ no trouble. No mess at all†¦.† On the other hand, despite George’s harsh, derogatory responses, Lennie never gets annoyed. Because–because Lennie looks up to George as an idol, he mimics action of George’s. He loves George and treats him as the most important person in his life. Each time when Lennie realizes he has done something wrong, he always try to please George and quell–calm his anger, because he is afraid George will leave him. â€Å"Lennie knelt and looked over the fire at the angry George. And Lennie’s face was drawn with terror.† â€Å"George† very softly â€Å"I was only foolin’, George. I don’t want no ketchup. I wouldn’t eat no ketchup if it was right here beside me.† When George said if they got ketchup, Lennie can have some, Lennie said â€Å"I’d leave it all for you†¦and I wouldn’t touch none of it.† He even suggests he can leave George alone and go live in a cave. Although Lennie is half-witted, he has enough sense to know that George loves him, so he plays with George’s guilty conscience, and sympathy for George to ask him to stay with him. As expected, George feels guilt to his friend as early as when he sees Lennie’s â€Å"anguished face†. â€Å"I been mean, ain’t I?† he said to Lennie â€Å"I want you to stay with me, Lennie. Jesus Christ, somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself†¦..Your Aunt Clara wouldn’t like you running off by yourself,†¦.† George knows clearly without him his dim-witted friend Lennie cannot survive by his own. Also as a promise to Lennie’s Aunt, George feels responsible to look after Lennie. After Lennie is assured that George will not leave him, he pleads George to recite their familiar dream. On the thought of their dream, George’s voice turns to â€Å"deeper† and â€Å"rhythmically†. It is very contagious, as a reader–readers we are immediately drawn in by the dream, which is just as beautiful as the landscape that Steinbeck describes in the open setting — free and idyllic. â€Å"Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world†¦.They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to.† â€Å"With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don’t have to†¦..But not us.† These important quotes further highlights to us that George is actually a royal, loving, devoted friend rather than father, brother or guidance. Because he is so willing to admit that he appreciates Lennie’s companionship, because he needs Lennie emotionally, they rely on and look after each other. Also he knows it is the companionship and the special strong bond they share that set them apart from other homeless lonely ranch workers,their friendship make a strong support during the hardships and predicaments in the special era. Despite his annoyance, George stays with Lennie by a combination of the motivations of pity, responsibility and gets a company in the hard time. It is these facts that propel–push George to stay loyal to Lennie and devotes Lennie through thick and thin. In the closing chapter, readers can soon notice the way George and Lennie talk to each other changes. † ‘What the hell you yellin’ about?'†. When George sees Lennie again in the pool, he still swears, however it is his only way to talk. He turns a lot quieter this time. He is softer to Lennie, without scolding or blaming like before. When he repeats the life he yearns for followed by Lennie’s request, his tone is â€Å"woodenly† and â€Å"monotonous†, with â€Å"no emphasis†. By contrast, in the opening chapter, his long speech with same content was emotionally rich and lyrical. When George recounts the dream to Lennie again before he shoots Lennie, he struggles to maintain his co mposure and optimism, as at that moment his heart is in despair. However he did try to give Lennie a hope that their dream is achievable and will fulfill soon. â€Å"Ever’body gonna be nice to you. Ain’t gonna be no more trouble. Nobbody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from’ em.† â€Å"Look acrost the river, Lennie, an’ I’ll tell you so you can almost see it†. Right before George kills Lennie in mercy, George declares: â€Å"no, Lennie. I ain’t mad. I never been mad, an’ I ain’t now. That’s a thing I want ya to know.† This is the finally words George talk to Lennie, in this sentence; we can sense how loving and devoted George is to his friend Lennie. Lennie talks to George with great sense of guilt and intense fear. As he knows he has done another very bad thing. He is still unaware of the bad fate that facing him. What he is afraid of is George will disapprove and leave him this time. He knows every time when he causes trouble, George will complain about his burden, and threaten to leave him. He then plays the trick again to gain sympathy and make sure George won’t leave him. Different with before, this time George didn’t get irritated, and assure Lennie that he won’t leave. â€Å"I knowed it† Lennie cried. â€Å"You ain’t that kind†. Lennie still holds the childlike faith that George will always be there for him. This assured faith relieves him a lot. Same as the opening in the novel, Lennie further requests George to repeat the dream again, because the dream gives both him and George comfort. George never wants Lennie to be hurt, but in the end he realizes that he is out of options to protect Lennie, the death of Lennie is inevitable–unavoidable. In order to protect Lennie from suffering tortures in a painful death. George is forced to shoot Lennie while Lennie is occupied with their shared dream of the farm, which is his favorite story and always soothes and comforts him. With the respect, love and responsibility towards Lennie, George has chosen the best option in the situation, and gives Lennie the best gift he can, the gift of peace, which can save Lennie from a hellish life in a forever asylum-dreadful life. One of the main themes in Of Mice and Men is American dreams. During the Great Depression the harsh realities make people lonely and powerless and hopeless, to share a dream of a better place is the only outlet to comfort them and help to transcend–from the troubles they face. Steinbeck introduces this dream for George and Lennie in the very first chapter. â€Å"With us it ain’t like that. We got a future.†- Despite the hard and gruff reality, George is still an idealist and self-motivated man at the beginning of the novel. He believes through their hard working, his dream of â€Å"live off the fatta the lan† can be achievable , and there is something better up ahead, as he got Lennie. It is Lennie and their strong bond that keep them from the terrible isolation that the other men experience, and gives George a special sense of purpose to strive for. Their friendship sustains their dream and makes it possible. However, with a world filled with harsh adversity and predatory–circumstances, their relationship just can’t simply sustain. George and Lennie are forced to separate tragically. By killing Lennie, George is also forced to shoot his dream, forced to surrender his faith of the Land of Promise. Without Lennie, George is now in loneness and hopelessness, just the same as anyone among the legion of poor, homeless, powerless migrant workers. The tragedy for them is, no matter how hard they work they are doomed–fated to a life of wandering, no matter how intensely they dream, their dreams can only help transcend their circumstances, but no way to be fulfilled. The faded American dream in the closing chapter sadly shows that a land of freedom, contentment, and safety is not possible to be found in this world, it is only an Eden-like place. Actually, at the end of the opening chapter, when Steinbeck deliberately wrote on the rabbit with different colors which Lennie desired is already a hint of the unrealistic fantasy of George and Lennie. Through the comparison of the opening and ending scenes in Of Mice and Men, we can find that the settings are very important in these two parts, Steinbeck used them to help evoke different feelings and hint about the future troubles, as well as symbolize the main themes. Dialogues between George and Lennie are the main content of these two scenes, they help to characterize the main roles and establish and develop the main themes – loneliness, friendship, and dream. Through these main themes Steinbeck portrayed the hardship that ranch workers like George and Lennie encountered during the heartbreaking Depression era. He has succeeded in describing the cruelty and insurmountable -extremely difficult challenges during the Depression.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Admission paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Admission paper - Essay Example Furthermore, I believe that one should never cease to learn. Whether it is learning you do through practice or learning one does through prose, a person is and always should be in a state of learning. Without learning one becomes stagnant and it’s neither good for the person himself nor is it good for society. I am a registered nurse since 2002 and have been working in different positions as a nurse from then onwards. I have given services to geriatric and I liked working for the aged individuals because it gave me a sense of achievement when they felt better about their lives. I have also worked as a nurse at a clinic. Moreover I have also worked as nurse treating patients who were on dialysis and as a med-serge nurse. All these experiences helped me learn one thing or the other about patients and their problems. I want to learn more practical approaches through Empire State College. Plus I want to achieve my goal which is to become renal nurse practitioner. I think studying at Empire State College can help me achieve this goal. I have a strong will and positive attitude which help me sail through all the difficulties and pressures that I face as a nurse at times. I have a good experience and I have learnt a lot wherever I have worked. I am a striver and being passionate about nursing helps me be a better nurse. Which is why, I want to learn what Empire State College has to offer me in order to do my job in a better way. I would like to use this opportunity of entrance in Empire State College to groom myself and to be able to become renal nurse practitioner, so that I can help those who are suffering and whom I can help in my capacity as a nurse. I want to use the healing power that I have as a nurse in an effective

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Upgrading Windows XP Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Upgrading Windows XP - Term Paper Example Preparing Your PC for an Upgrade Before you start upgrading your PC, you need to know and record the existing hardware and software configuration of your PC and then perform the following tasks: 1. Know your upgrade path: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional and Windows NT 4 Workstation are the operating systems that can be upgraded to Windows XP Professional directly. 2. Know the hardware requirements: A Pentium processor with 233 MHz is required or 300 MHz or higher processor speed is recommended. Minimum 64 MB RAM or higher is recommended. Minimum hard disk required is 1.5 GB or higher. An SVGA monitor is good enough or you can get a higher resolution monitor as well. (Donald & Chellis, 2005, p. 96). Windows XP is very demanding. Hence, before an upgrade, the aforementioned hardware requirements should be met to facilitate the installation process plus to prevent any post installation hardware failures due to incompatibility. More details regarding the hardware requirements are discussed as follows: a. Processor: In today’s computers, a 2 to 3 GHz processor speed would be efficient to run Windows XP. On checking your current processor configuration and if it is not at least 233 MHz, you would need to buy a new processor and install it as an upgrade. b. Random access memory: Once you have upgraded your PC’s processor, you are required to upgrade the RAM as well. RAM is the volatile memory that allows your computer to execute current programs and processes. Increasing the RAM size of your computer, makes the computer run faster and better. For Windows XP, you need to have at least 64 MB of RAM. This is a minimum amount. Ideal would be to have a 128 MB of RAM. Today computers come with a 256 MB RAM; so this is perfect amount to run the Windows XP on your system. c. Hard disk space: During and after installation, the Windows XP requires some hard disk space for storage. Hard disk is the non-volatile memory in your computer. It is capable of storing data and information permanently. It saves the operating system in it also. In order to upgrade your PC, you need to be sure that you have 650 MB free hard disk space to allow Windows XP to store its files. If you do not have enough free hard disk space, you need to make free spac e by deleting files, application programs and the like which you no longer need in your PC. d. Other requirements: You need an SVGA or higher resolution monitor, CD-ROM or DVD –ROM drive, a keyboard, and a mouse. You can also upgrade your internet connectivity speed and upgrade to a faster internet connection. You need to have good sound card, video card and speakers. If you have chosen to connect to a LAN, you would need a network adapter card upgrade. Furthermore, you can also get a tuner card to be able to watch television on your computer. These are options that can be considered after the installation but pondering over these before installation is a better option. (Simmons, 2005, p. 379-381). Whenever you are upgrading your operating system, you need to be sure of your data which you do not intend to loose. If the upgrade takes place in a smooth manner, then your entire data is still safely residing on your hard disk memory. However; problems may arise during upgrade wh ich can cause your data to get lost. Therefore, in order to be safe and careful, make a back up copy of all the important data residing in the hard disk of your computer. Using the back-up

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Issue of gender inequality from a global perspective Essay

Issue of gender inequality from a global perspective - Essay Example Again, the focus of how the media covers the improvement of women will be aimed at presenting those 'general' variables that apply across all cultures, and education will be presented as one of the most important ways toward female emancipation. Finally, and in keeping with the economic focus, the solution driven approach will be examined from the US perspective over and against that of the rest of the world. Given that both health care and education are institutions that have had a very measurable positive impact, the question emerges as to whether these should be state or private? In terms of economics, the problems and the solutions will be examined with a particular central focus on fiscally driven themes. However much there is a lot of legislation and many institutions that function to challenge discrimination in the US, discrimination is nonetheless a problem. From the beginning's of US history, and to the present time, there has been a marked progress toward creating the insti tutions and legislation that promotes equality across social classes, race or visible minority barriers, barriers created by disabilities, and finally, the issue which will be the focus of the following analysis, namely, discrimination on the basis of gender. This said, progress toward gender inequality has been a long struggle. In the twentieth century, for example, the right to vote for women was established in 1919 or well after the right to vote was given to men. Further, the most significant acts or legislation for promoting equality, were really only passed in the 1960's. Among these, it has to be maintained that the Equal Pay or Equality Act rank as the most significant. While, the legislative or formal area of breaking down discrimination has taken some time, the effects of greater equality are arguably only a fairly recent phenomenon. For instance, in the US at the moment, in over two-thirds of all households women are in the workforce [Bennett and Ellison, 2010]. Further, women are outranking men in education at significant levels, and represent 71% of all valedictorians [Bennett and Ellison, 2010]. However, while there is progress by so many social indicators, they remain largely outsiders at the top of the work chain, so to speak. Moreover, they are still earning less than men for equivalent which means that there is a persisting wage gap in spite of a lot of the progress that has been noted in brief: â€Å"Women in the U.S. may be working more, and in greater numbers, but women are still just 3 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs, and make 77 cents on the dollar† [Bennett and Ellison, 2010]. It cannot be stressed enough that the wage gap for present purposes, has to be understood within some of the perimeters of economics. As a gap measurable or quantifiable, it follows that a tax revenue base is effected as just a single instance where impacts are made well beyond the immediate or surface layer. It cannot be said enough that both the wage gap and the impact of fewer women earning the top salaried jobs in the Fortune 500 boardrooms are economic at least as much as moral issues. In terms of the legal problems involved with systemic discrimination,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Essay/Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

/Memo - Essay Example nt of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work, Mother Theresa has left an important legacy of humanism and self-sacrifice after years working to better humanity (Clucas, 1998). Mother Theresa was first and foremost a Christian who believed in the spread of the Gospel and the eternal redemption of the poor through the word of Christ. She was a humanist who left her native Albania to tend to the sick, frail and the poor and established an international charitable organization which sought to administer to the sick and dying around the world. Mother Theresa was known for her selflessness and the charitable nature of her life. Kindness and self-sacrifice were virtues that she lived by. Mother Theresa worked tirelessly to help others and based her life upon the compassionate teachings of Christ. A humanist in the truest sense, Mother Theresa tended to the poorest of the poor, irrespective of ethnic or racial differences. According to the Mother Theresa Center in Calcutta, India, Mother Theresa had the following to say about her worldview, â€Å"By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, I am Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.† (Mother Theresa Center, 2009). Internal characteristics which Mother Theresa came to embody included a universalism which was not often understood in the context of the middle of the 20th century, an eternal compassion for the suffering of others and a call to duty to spread the word of God through help and self-sacrifice. Although she committed herself to a life of self-sacrifice and poverty, Mother Theresa’s charities were international in scope and established throughout the world. She worked with terminally ill patients and those inflicted with the scourge of leprosy in India while operating ministries in more than 100 countries by the late twentieth-century (Williams, 2002). Mother Theresa was a compassionate and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Why School Uniforms Should Be Mandatory Research Paper

Why School Uniforms Should Be Mandatory - Research Paper Example Arguments against and for this policy are therefore considered in the light of some recent studies of this issue. This paper proposes that school uniforms should be mandatory because they foster team spirit and self- respect in a culture which too often promotes selfish individualism and rebellion. One of the most common arguments cited against the use of mandatory school uniforms is that of the right of the individual to freedom of expression. This right is guaranteed in the First Amendment (Isaacson, 1998, p. 1) and is designed to allow equal opportunities for people who have different cultures, religions, and personal convictions to distinguish themselves. It is argued that school uniforms can impose one particular style upon students, and that this is not fair to those who come from a minority group which does not share the beliefs and taste of the dominant group. Other criticisms include the study Brunsma which reviews over 100 articles on the topic of school uniform policy and concludes that mandatory school uniforms have no clear benefit for schools or students and may in fact encourage both students and parents to feel excluded from key school policies and decisions. (Brunsma, p. 186)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Statistics on the Incidence of AIDS in the US Research Paper - 1

Statistics on the Incidence of AIDS in the US - Research Paper Example In 2007, it has been reported that HIV was the third leading cause of mortality for black men and women aged 35-44. HIV also became the ninth leading cause of mortality for all blacks. In fact, about 233,624 Blacks who were diagnosed with AIDS had died in the United States. Moreover, African American women were known to be 22 times more likely to die from HIV/AIDS compared to women from other ethnicities. In 2008, African Americans had the highest rate of death from AIDS, which amounted to 27.5 per 100,000 population. According to Maryland Statistics, Black females incurred higher rates of AIDS mortality compared to women from other races. Table 1 below also supports these statistics. The peak of mortality observed from all races was seen in 1995. Â   In 1995, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced to the public. Before 1995, the use of protease inhibitors in the United States was not allowed. The United States Food and Drug Administration approved the drugs in December of 1995 and on March of 1996. HAART is associated with decreased mortality and morbidity of patients with HIV/AIDS. Although it is not a cure, it is used for the purpose of improving a patient’s symptoms or even their quality of life. As a result, the patient’s survival rate is also prolonged. HAART is just one of the other lifesaving innovations that have been discovered. Thus, after the year 1995, the mortality rate started to decline slowly. The decline is quite evident and steady on White females. However, with regards to Black females, the mortality rate decreased post-HAART but would increase again after 1998. Afterwards, the rate intermittently increased and decreased. The trends in the mortality rates of Black women with AIDS as compared with White patients is truly intriguing. The disparity is profound. Certain factors can be attributed with such disparities in mortality and morbidity rates observed between ethnicities of women - most especially Blacks and Whites - with HIV/AIDS. It is relevant to identify such factors in order to come up with solutions that could help ease this disparity.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Keystone Pipeline Issue on U.S. Economic and Environmental Annotated Bibliography

Keystone Pipeline Issue on U.S. Economic and Environmental perspectives - Annotated Bibliography Example According to Blakey, the Keystone XL pipeline polarizes parties from either side of the construction conflict. The article states that, in a typical enmity between liberals and traditionalists, both parties face a deeper disadvantage in their argument. If ecologists believe oil is not worth the jobs creation, then liberals will consider profit to be the prime key to the United States’ energy security (Blakey 335). Blanchard and Jacobson provide an ecological perception reflecting the provided carbon-concentration of tar-sands creation. Even though conservatives believe that that operation of the Alberta tar sands would merely come to a stop, demand for hydrocarbon-based energy is extremely high. In addition, the journal says that the Ogallala aquifer is acutely sensitive, but its vulnerability is more valuable than the likely damage to British Columbia’s rain forest. The last leading problem discussed in the journal is the likelihood of the construction of the Northern Gateway. The Northern Gateway may be a fallback approach for the ecologists (Blanchard and Jacobson 2011). Daugherty states that the president destroyed tens of thousands of employment opportunities when he denied Keystone the opportunity to build the Keystone XL pipeline. Many of the jobs would have been provided in Houston, Texas. Further than that, the government’s decision to halt the pipeline is considered complete irrational. The article says that the Obama administration is illogic from an economic perspective. This is because of an overpowering goal of national security supposed to reduce the country’s reliance on foreign energy sources (Daugherty 2012). Hargreaves says that the Obama administration refused an offer to develop the contentious Keystone oil sands pipeline. The article says that the government defended its choice by saying that the deadline enforced by the congress did not leave adequate time to carry out the essential review. The pipeline might not be

Thursday, August 22, 2019

What is SEBD and Disability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

What is SEBD and Disability - Essay Example Problems with such responses are known to adversely affect an individual’s performance in the areas of academic progress, self care, work adjustment, social relationships and classroom behaviour. (PLSS, 2011) To put things into perspective, the BBC estimated in a research that the world market for drugs used for the treatment of emotional, behavioural and mental problems in children and adolescents will increase to some eleven billion British pounds by the year 2010. The greatest rise has been seen in drug requirements for individuals with learning and conduct disorders which account for some four and a half billion pounds. (BBC, 2005) SEBD significantly affect the acquisition of skills and learning required for an individual to become a responsible member of society. Adult adjustment is also negatively affected as social, vocational and academic skills are not gained at the desired pace.Although SEBD can present learning difficulties but such a state need not be permanent and can be resolved through the right course of action. Most people with SEBD display accompanying symptoms that are visibly identifiable. Individuals may act out, become phobia ridden, show symptoms of withdrawal, become passive and depressed or aggressive and may even exhibit tendencies to inflict injuries to themselves. Moreover, such tendencies could well easily lead to substance abuse, crime, anxiety, depression, self harm and in the worst case scenario to suicide. (Wetherimer, 2000) Young people and children with SEBD have a tendency to disrupt playgrounds and classrooms. This often leads to the exclusion of such individuals. Moreover, attitudes directed to such individuals by the social groups are often negative. (Watson, 2001) Among children with SEBD, emotional and conduct disorder are the most common problems. Generally males are more likely to suffer from SEBD than females. In terms of exclusion, the ONS reports that almost one third of all children with conduct disorders ha d been excluded from regular schooling once. Moreover, around a quarter of children with conduct disorders had been excluded from school more than one time. This problem is not merely restricted to children’s behaviour at a specific age alone. Instead the consequences of SEBD go beyond the infant years. A report delineates that individuals with SEBD who find employment are often at a 75% risk of losing their employment because of inappropriate behaviour as well as exclusion from support during training and in the workplace. A host of factors encourage the growth of SEBD but social factors can be seen at the fore front. An estimate by the Department for Education and Skills places the amount of school going children suffering from SEBD between 10% and 20% such that the SEBD significantly affects the ability of children to develop socially and emotionally. (Department for Education, 2011) On the other hand disability can be considered to be any set of problems centred on growth vulnerabilities that undermine an active role of the individual in society. Disabled children have some form of physical or mental impairment that has substantial and long term adverse effects on the abilities of the child to deal with daily activities. Such problems can assume complex shapes such as low IQ levels (generally considered below 60), diabetes,

Bottle vs breastfeeding Essay Example for Free

Bottle vs breastfeeding Essay As a nurse, I will tell the young mother that breastfeeding is always better than bottle feeding. As a new parent, it is her responsibility to make sure her baby will get off to a good nutritional start. Breastfeeding does have its’ benefits. There is no doubt that breastfeeding contains all the nutrients your baby needs for proper growth and development. Studies prove that breast milk provides optimal health benefits for your newborn. Mothers milk is easily digested, has perfectly matched nutrition for the baby, and is filled with antibodies that protect against infection. Furthermore, breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from ear infections, diaper rash, and intestinal upsets. In addition, breast milk offers immune system boosters and fatty acids specific to humans that promote optimal brain growth. Not only does breastfeeding benefit your baby, it has many advantages for you. Breastfeeding is convenient. There is no need to get out of bed at 2 a.m. to prepare a bottle. All you have to do is hold your baby to your chest and feed. Next, breastfeeding is very economical. Since breast milk is self- produced, you dont need money to buy an endless supply of food. Last, breastfeeding is helpful in the process of returning your body to its normal state. While feeding, hormones are produced that make your organs contract into their natural size. One con about breastfeeding is that nursing is definitely time-consuming. A newborn baby typically feed every 2 to 3 hours during the day and may awaken frequently at night. Another con is breastfeeding takes a lot of energy for your body to make milk, so the mother can often feel quite fatigued. Another con is sometimes mothers have physical problems like mastitis, plugged milk ducts and engorgement if the baby is not feeding frequently or properly. If you are a working mother you might find it challenging to schedule nursings. It will be necessary to pump at work and some jobs may not allow for such breaks. 1 What if she has to return to work? Like I said, if you are a working mother, you might find it challenging to schedule nursings. It will be necessary to pump at work and some jobs may not allow for such breaks. But, to breastfeed you will have to find time  during the day, during the afternoon, during the evening, and if possible at night to pump. 2 Should people be allowed to breastfeed in public eg a restaurant? So , if you are eating in a restaurant, should your baby eat from the breast? Yes, mothers should be allowed to breastfeed in public, even at a restaurant. Breastfeeding is completely natural, and it should be acceptable. Breasts were not intended for sex; they were intended to be used to breastfeed whenever and wherever the baby needs to be fed. Yes, it may be inappropriate if an entire breast is shown, but most mothers take caution in not exposing all of themselves. They are simply trying to feed their child. 3 What if the patient is from a third world country? I would give the same advice to a third world country mother, as I would to an American mother. I would not discriminate. So, she is from a third world country, to be talking to me she is in America now and there are plenty of free nutritional programs for her and her baby to take part in. I would still advise breastfeeding her baby. 4 Is there a federal/state law that governs breastfeeding? Section 7(r) of the Fair Labor Standards Act – Break Time for Nursing Mothers Provision President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on March 30, 2010. (See the combined full text of Public Laws 111-148 and 111-152 here.) Among many provisions, Section 4207 of the law amends the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 (29 U.S. Code 207) to require an employer to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for one year after the childs birth each time such employee has need to express milk. The employer is not required to compensate an employee receiving reasonable break time for any work time spent for such purpose. The employer must also provide a place, other than a bathroom, for the employee to express breast milk. If these requirements impose undue hardship, an employer that employs fewer than 50 employees is not subject to these requirements. The federal requirements shall not preempt a state law that provides greater protections to employees. 5 Does men have a different opinion about breastfeeding as compared to women? I could not find a difference of opinion on breastfeeding by men. I read  where most men support breastfeeding. Most men found breastfeeding to be healthier for baby and mother. Most men find that breastfeeding saves them a lot of money. Most of them do not mind their wives breastfeeding in public too. 6 Should you heat a bottle in a microwave? The microwave changes the molecular structure of whatever you heat up in there. Breastmilk has essential nutrients that your baby can benefit from so you dont want to deprive your baby from that! I would say to not take any chances. Take the extra time for the benefit of your baby and run the bottle under warm water or put it in a bowl of warm water or get a bottle warmer. It is not advised to heat up formula or breastmillk in microwave. I wouldnt risk it. (7) Should you put a child to bed with a bottle in his/her mouth? Letting your baby go to sleep in his crib with a bottle of milk or juice is not a good idea. Not only will your child come to depend on having a bottle to get to sleep, but leaving a bottle in your sleeping babys mouth can cause tooth decay. There is a chance your baby may choke and it also can be the cause of a chronic ear infection. When a baby drinks lying flat on their back the milk can flow through their ear cavity causing infection. It is not recommended to put a bottle in the crib with the baby. I suggest a pacifier. That might be a better alternative. References: Breast vs. Bottlefeeding. (2008, May 19). In Retrieved 19:08, October 12, 2014, from Examine best practice in breastfeeding.. (2004, January 11). In Retrieved 19:06, October 12, 2014, from Breastfeeding and the Workplace. (2004, March 01). In Retrieved 19:06, October 12, 2014, from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Can Language Learning Applications Help Improve English?

Can Language Learning Applications Help Improve English? CAN LANGUAGE-LEARNING APPLICATIONS HELP TO IMPROVE PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH AT THE UNIVERSITY LEVEL? ABSTRACT In todays globalized world, knowing another language opens the door to a vast number of opportunities no matter nationality. This study focuses on language-learning applications since they are an innovative way to learn another language. The investigation needed for this study was done online using Google Scholar and the following sources: Scientists Are More Creative than You Might Imagine and Do Schools Kill Creativity . Language applications can be an excellent way to study a language like English, because those apps motivate young people more than the traditional language class. These applications facilitate the learning of another language in a fun and dynamic way and they will allow the learners to share, debate, create, give opinions, and create a much more creative and participative space. They allow the learners connect in them account on all electronic devices and do not lose progress. Keywords: Applications, language, creative, innovative INTRODUCTION Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom (Roger Bacon). Currently, we live in a globalized world where everyone is connected. If someone want to communicate, they have to know that persons language. Knowing another language is a great academic and professional advantage. Many students want to know another language but they do not because they do not have money to pay for a language course or do not have time to do so. Due to this need, several technology companies created language learning aplications. Perhaps they are not as effective as a lenguage learning course, but with effort they work. Managing another language fluently will make the learner feel amazing about himself because a new world opens. The learner can talk to a lot of people from other countries, watch movies, read books or browse websites. Knowing more than one language makes a person smarter, because that person works parts of him brain that would otherwise be stopped. Language applications are an efficient way for learning new languages like English, for three reasons: they are dynamic and instructive; they allow students to practice their skills; and they can be used on all electronic devices. In essence, the communication of the future will be based in a language that many people talk, so the advantages of a person will depend on how well know that idiom. For these reasons, this research paper is dedicate to know effectiveness and efficiency of language learning applications because they are an example of creativity and innovation that we will need for communication, and it represents the biggest challenge for developing persons . LANGUAGE LEARNING APPLICATIONS ARE DYNAMIC AND INSTRUCTIVE First of all, Language learning applications are dynamic and instructive than a language course to obtain proficiency in another language because the last is a traditional class. The technological advances are an excellent tool that benefits the educational system, since more and more college professors that resort to the service of effective applications to carry out the teaching-learning process in college students. Humanity tries to improve and make the way to generate knowledge more flexible, using the constant technological movement to satisfy the communicative needs that originates the society, so that the mobile technologies have served as base to restructure the educational panorama, contributing to the education. TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION HAS NEVER MADE LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE EASIER One reason is Technology innovation has made learning a foreign language easier because: Today, multimedia features found in e-learning environments incorporate new ways to learn, including: videos, audio, tools, and much more. Plus, multimedia can increase students retention rates and correct mistakes before they turn into bad and embarrassing habits (eLearning INDUSTRY, 2013). The learning is not subject to the physical space of the class nor to the strict hours of the teaching of the matter. College students can create and optimize resources with a few Apps given avoiding the traditional use of textbooks, and adapting these new techniques to the teaching-learning process, making it more visual, creative, and participatory. Ken Robinson, educator, writer and British lecturer, says: people educate their children and want to exploit all of their skills in 15 or 20 years but they do not have a real objective (Robinson, 2006). In other words, they dont know how use this skills. The majority of people do not think in creativity as a tool for the future and this is reflected in the schools. THESE APPS INCLUDES VIDEO GAMES, VIDEOS, GIFS AND THAT MAKE LEARNING FUN TOOLS Also, these apps includes video games like puzzles, hangman, wordit, wordsearch, videos, gifs and tools that make learning fun. Some apps are Duolingo, Wibbu, Busuu, Babbel, and HiNative. The majority of these games have been designed with learning in mind, which means that when the students use them, they are getting the experience of teaching rolled into one nice app. The great thing about these mobile apps is that the child inside the students will love to pull them out and play for enjoyment. So these applications facilitate the learning of another language in a fun and dynamic way. LANGUAGE LEARNING APPLICATIONS ALLOW STUDENTS TO PRACTICETHEIR SKILLS Second of all, Language learning applications allow students to practice their skills because Online courses offer an out with the old, in with the new approach to learning a foreign language (eLearning INDUSTRY, 2013). They offer an introduction to vocabulary and grammar, so they help students gain confidence. According to Albert Einstein, the best scientists are also artists, so it would be illogical to think that science and art are not related (Ossola, 2014). So, it is so important emphasize the utility of those applications, and to pay special attention to the way that we are learning a foreign language. In other words, the future will be only for the most apt, and with this we refer to the persons who know another language THESE APPS REMIND DAILY THAT THE STUDENT MUST ENTER AND MEET THEM DAILY GOAL Also, these apps remind daily that the student must enter and meet the daily goal. If students have not logged in. This helps the user to practice daily, which is fundamental to learning a language. The learner need motivation to learn a second language, and the active and creative participation of the student in the process through the application of individualized learning techniques. Strategies for foreign language learning include skills for memorizing and manipulating key structures of the target language, cognitive strategies for managing and supervising the use of strategies, affective strategies for measuring emotional reactions to learning and for reducing anxiety, and social strategies to maintain the interaction with native speakers and cooperation between students easier. These applications will allow the learners to share, debate, create, give opinions, and create a much more creative and participative space. LANGUAGE LEARNING APPLICATIONS CAN BE USED ON ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES THEY ARE MORE ACCESSIBLE THAN A COURSE TO LEARN ENGLISH Third of all, Language learning applications can be used on all electronic devices because they run on computer programs, the learner can access online foreign language courses at any time. (eLearning INDUSTRY, 2013). THEY ARE SYNCHRONIZED Another reason to use these apps is because these apps are free. The learner only need an account. One of the most obvious advantages of the use is the easy and speed with which the information is accessed. Another important advantage is the safe storage of personal data, which allows users to save time and quickly access to their preferences, as well as being able to customize the application to their liking. Also, they are synchronized. That means these applications are connected to the internet. The learnerÂÂ ´s progress is saved and if a learner does not have cellphone, he only needs another electronic device to sign in and continue learning. CONCLUSION In summary, language applications can be an excellent way to study a language like English, because those apps motivate more young people than the traditional language class. There are a number of benefits to using English learning apps to improve language learning skills. They will not even need a tutor on hand to constantly learn English and the learner can access to the account on all electronic devices without problem. These apps are quite funny and to learn playing. That is why they are very useful for learning vocabulary because they are visual and entertaining. For these reasons, I recommend university students who do not have much free time or do not have the sources to pay a course to learn languages that use these applications to improve their level of English mainly. Education as a fundamental development entity, should not be a linear process (Robinson, 2006), those applications should always be updated and synchronized with the need to learn another language. By learning another language we are educating and training for our professional future. REFERENCES Robinson, K., (2006). Do Schools Kill Creativity? TED. Recovered from: [09/12/2016]. elearningindustry. (Aug 19, 2013). Below are 5 essential benefits of learning a foreign language through online courses. Recovered from elearningindustry: [09/12/2016].

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Microsoft vs. European Union

Microsoft vs. European Union Microsoft was accused of by the European Commission of the European Union for abuse of its dominant position in the market. Inquire into this event which started at about 1993 and still continues to the present day. As a guide, think of the underlying reasons and laws leading to this event, the consequences of breaking these laws and other points that could have influenced it. When Novell complained over the Microsoft for anti-licensing practice in 1993 and continued with European Union ordering Microsoft to divulge certain information about its several product and launch a new version of Microsoft windows without media player, form that situation Microsoft was accused by the European Commission of EU for abuse of domain of its dominant position in market and this situation was such a tempering situation for Microsoft. If we look on cases against Microsoft starting from 1998 to 2009 then we can many argues and points to consider against Microsoft and its strategies. In 1998 Sun Microsystems had complained against Microsoft for the Server Interoperability. Then in next 2 year, Commission started investigation on Microsoft for integration of media playback capability in Windows. In 2004 Microsoft was commented by Commission that Microsoft had abused a dominant market position. The Commission issued a statement of objection starting that, those documents were not in submission with 2004 decision by 2005 end. Microsoft announced in 2006 that it would be provided all the technical documentation required but Commission fined Microsoft for inadequate technical certification. In 2007 Commission issued a statement for objection starting that pricing of Microsoft for patents reading on its protocol specification is not reasonable and discriminatory. In 2008 Commission announced that two new investigations on e was complained from industry association of Microsoft competitor related to interoperability and other was from European browser maker opera relating to inclusion of IE in windows and it was fined by Commission. In 2009 Commission another statements for objection of IE in windows since 1996 was an abuse of Microsofts dominant position. Therefore Microsoft was been announced for the proposal of market research and testing then in last it was formal adoption. Then Commission formally accepted the proposal of the Microsoft the market testing then it was fully resolved to Commissions competition law concern relating to the Internet Explorer in windows and interoperability. As per the few last decades the relations between the Microsoft and the European Union were not good because of few complain and action on Microsoft my EU, and in this situation Microsoft come to know few new thing from that situation, and as a result Microsoft and European Union has got the compromised under the tight competition rules of the European Union, this was only because Microsoft was just wanted to reduced the fines and competitive behaviour, and finally it was agreed for barter exchange. To spread the spirit of the European Union, Microsoft has decided to shell the product with the collaborative flag of EU and Microsoft in the next Windows 7 logo, it was just great solution decided by the Microsoft as cost-effectiveness, and European Union was also agreed with this deal and to create new and strong relation. Then for breaking the law of anti-trust or competitive Microsoft was accused by the European commission in two cases. The first case was for the interoperability in relation to a complained by the European committee for interoperable system while in other case was in the field of the tying of separate software products following inter ALIA a complaints from OPERA. Law of competition was broken by the Microsoft and proper information was not passed in market by the Microsoft and competitor were also reduced and almost all the companies were using Microsoft products in their one, and they are aware about information which is provided to customers. In 2004 Microsoft launched new, it decided to publish paper on Microsoft website and for it EU created new rule that it will had adverse impact on intellectual property rights and the ability of dominants firms to innovate because it effects direct on Europe. And so it Microsoft was fined of near $600 million by European commission and was ordered to share technology with competitors. Microsoft business model is based on the customer paying money to licensed software that were developed and distributed. Annual report of the Microsoft business shows that customers paying the charges to license the software and distribution. Taking the idea of license based the software model; software developers bear the costs of converting original ideas into software product original ideas into software products through investment in research and development offsetting these costs with the revenue received from the distribution of their products. Microsoft failed for maintaining the RELIANCE on mimicking the features and functionality of other same product as Microsoft like Apple, word perfect, Sony play station etc. that was the working of the worlds, Microsoft. Its based on the its progressed of it as an industry rather then being the forced for reinvent the wheel next and next. Microsoft has getting benefits as much as other competitor and even more. As we all know that Microsoft is the strong and developed company world wide, if has been leading in the good software product over other company, so it has large competitive market, as per the notes the breadth of its product line s biggest differentiator currently but its also a potential Achilles heel. So Microsoft just wants to bee in its old markets. As we can see from above discussion that Microsoft break many law of European union and for developing its own business Microsoft has worked tried and launched new ideas in the market but it was not good for other and same business but it was also controlled by the European union, all its competitor works under the law and regulation of the European union than Microsoft should also work as same as competitor. For market development Microsoft and European Union are collaborated for the new product of Microsoft but Microsoft broke the law of anti-competitor, fore that it was fined from European commission it was compatible for any one and also other. So laws of European Union have given many socked to the Microsoft but it is not good as much as because in competitor market anyone can be affected by small or large competitor and keeping in mind excuses of them European union should not react to wards the Microsoft.